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When to Delete Old Leads

Keep Your CRM and Your Reputation Clean by Setting a Policy for When to Delete Old Leads

We know. You’ve worked hard to generate the leads in your CRM — so the idea of deleting them probably sounds horrifying. But the fact is if they’re not engaging with you, having dead leads in your Salesforce system could be doing more harm than good.  First, old, inactive leads clutter up your database. This can lead to poor user adoption and experiences, and it makes it harder to focus on viable prospects.  Second — and this is the biggest danger — continually reaching out to unengaged contacts could prevent you from being able to reach anyone.

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New Worksheet: How to Document Salesforce Apps and Installed Packages

In this free, downloadable worksheet, we help you document your Salesforce Apps and Packages to keep your system organized.

There’s something satisfying about a clean, organized space. When everything is in its place, there’s so much potential to be organized and productive. You can achieve that sort of zen with your Salesforce org too. 

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